• Yippee! ski vacationers will be here soon! •

Elan Ski Shop & Rental Levi

Heart of winter is slowly fading and spring is on its way to Levi. Days are beginning to be longer and we can all enjoy brighter days and sun rays more and more every day. Although the landscape is still very winter-like, you can feel the signs of spring in the air.

One sign of the coming spring is the beginning of school’s ski vacation weeks here in Finland. Small and bigger ski holidaymakers can really enjoy all the great winter activities, we still have lots and lots of snow here. After few weeks of Finnish ski holiday makers, we start to get ready for the spring season.

Longer and brighter day time gives good opportunities to enjoy many different winter sports and activities during the day. You can hit the slopes in the morning and after few hours of that you still have time to take your cross-country skis and take a relaxing tour in the woods. Remember to take care of you and your family with good meals and moment of rest between the activities.

It´s good to remember that we also have great indoor activities here, you can enjoy Levi spa or take your family to the bowling alley. It´s nice jump into the pool or relax in the sauna after crispy winter day. You can also have such a nice moment at the bowling alley with your friend of family.

Stay tuned and follow us on Instagram and facebook.

See you in Levi!
